



There exist some VDSL2 SFP Bridge Modems. They do symmetric DSL up to 100Mb/s and support ADSL, ADSL2+ (Annex A/B/M), VDSL2, Vectoring (Annex A/B/C), VDSL Profile 8a/b/c/d, 12a/b, 17a, 30a.

All of the available modules seem to be identical and just rebranded Metanoia VDSL2 VTU-R SFP (SFP-V5311-T-R) with the Metanoia MT-V5311 xDSL SOC.

You can get them as CPE and CO (DSLAM) mode.

You can get them from 100€. The CPE mode ones just work with Germany Telekom VDSL2 connections, but it can take some minutes until they finished syncing.

You just plug them into one free SFP port of a switch or router which got fixed to 1Gb/s module speed.

There are rumors about a management/statistics interface, but information yet.

VDSL2 Super Vectoring SFP Modem

A super vectoring (profile 35b) SFP modem is already invented but not available due to production capacities.

notiz/vdsl2-sfp-module.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/08/27 18:59 von clerie

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